
Course Project: Digits and Faces Recognition, Rutgers
Jan 2016 – May 2016
Team of two - Implemented three algorithms: Perceptron, Naïve Bayes and Margin-Infused Relaxed Algorithm - Designed “adjacent-based” extractor for faces and Implemented multi-zoning extractor for digits - Developed the system with Python

A Research of a RFID-Based Indoor Localization Algorithm, SCUT
Jan 2015 – June 2015
- Designed a new algorithm for indoor localization, robust enough for most emergency situations, based on one of the cheapest, stable and popular indoor localization technologies – RFID two direction chips - Proposed a new flexible system structure, which can be extended to unlimited range without overwhelming calculation - Created a system that is able to work with any kind of web server application or platform to provide more convenient feature in emergencies

Application of Bluetooth LE-based Indoor Positioning System, SCUT
Mar 2014 – Sep 2014
Leader of team of three - Deployed a WEB server pushing messages and information according the location of the terminal - Ascertained the hardware solution, employed Texas Instruments’ CC2541chip; projected the placement of Bluetooth beacon - Performed programming (java language) on Android system to obtain the needed information, to calculate its location with triangulation algorithm or point positioning algorithm and to request different information from the server

Sleep-conducive LED Lights, SCUT
Mar 2014 – Oct 2014
Leader of team of seven - Designed the circuit diagram with the combination of C51 single-chip machine and LED driver circuit; controlled the mixing proportion of red, green and blue by PWM; simulated the shades with the needed wavelength by RGB - Programmed a C software to set the built-in timer of C51 single-chip microcomputer to send the interrupt signal after time-up and to control the IO interface to output PWM wave according to the required ratio